Gynae & Obstetrics

Little brief which help to you to know it.


Maternity Services

A Maternity Service is a SERVICE that specializes in the treatment and care of Mother and babies during a Maternity Cycle.


Adolescence Care

Adolescent care is critical care for children ages 10 to 17 who seek autonomy during a transitional phase of their life. These include Discussing menstruation, menstrual disorders, anovulation, excess bleeding and irregular periods etc.


Cancer Care

Every woman is at risk of having gynecological cancers. The risk of getting affected by this cancer increases as the age increases. Treatment might prove to be effective if it is found at an early stage. We can help you in this journey.


Gynecological Care

Our gynecologists help people in all stages of life, from your teenage years through adulthood. With routine gynecological care, we personalize treatment based on your needs and concerns - whether they're related to menstruation, sexual health, birth control, family planning, or managing the symptoms of menopause.


Menopausal Care

The hormonal changes associated with menopause can affect many aspects of a woman's life, including her physical, emotional, mental and social well-being. A gynecologist can help you diagnose menopause and cope with the changes as you transition.