micro tese
image showing definition and diagram of micro tese treatment in the best ivf center in hisar


This procedure is usually performed for patients who do not have any sperm within the ejaculate due to defective production of sperm in the testes. This may be due to previous testicular surgery, some previous medical treatment or a hormonal or genetic problem.

Micro- TESE Service

In situations of male infertility, sperm can be extracted surgically from the testicles using a technique known as Micro-TESE (Microsurgical Testicular Sperm Extraction). It entails creating a tiny incision in the scrotum and identifying and removing sperm-containing tubules from the testicular tissue using a surgical instrument set and an operating microscope. When a man has either non-obstructive azoospermia (poor or absent sperm production) or obstructive azoospermia (blocked sperm ducts), this method is frequently advised. After being recovered, the sperm can be used in an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Compared to traditional TESE techniques, Micro-TESE provides a greater probability of effective sperm retrieval because it enables accurate identification and extraction of viable sperm under magnification.

Viable sperm can be extracted straight from the testicular tissue using a sophisticated surgical procedure called Micro-TESE (microsurgical testicular sperm extraction). Men who have non-obstructive azoospermia—that is, no sperm in the ejaculate—or who have had unsuccessful traditional sperm retrievals are frequently advised to try it.

Our highly qualified reproductive urologists locate and remove sperm-containing tubules from the testicles using an operating microscope and specialized microsurgical equipment during a Micro-TESE treatment. It is possible to find and sample discrete pockets of sperm production in males with significantly impaired spermatogenesis.

Men with male factor infertility can now become parents with the use of recovered sperm for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) during an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle.

Micro-TESE is superior to traditional TESE in a number of ways.

- Greater rates of sperm retrieval

-High-quality sperm can be extracted selectively, and there is less chance of blood vessel injury and stress.

-During this delicate microsurgery, our surgical team takes great care to preserve as much testicular tissue as possible while optimizing sperm output.

Micro-TESE Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: When is Micro-TESE recommended over conventional TESE?

A: Micro-TESE is preferred for non-obstructive azoospermia cases and if previous TESE attempts failed to retrieve sperm.

Q: How long does the Micro-TESE surgery take?

A: The procedure typically lasts 1-3 hours, depending on the complexity of sperm retrieval.

Q: Is Micro-TESE painful?

A: You will be under anesthesia during surgery and experience minimal discomfort afterward, which can be managed with oral pain medication.

Q: Are there risks with Micro-TESE?

A: As with any surgery, risks like bleeding, infection, or pain exist but are rare when performed by experienced surgeons.