best ivf center in hisar for surrogacy
image showing definition and diagram of surrgacy in the best ivf cenetr of hisar


Surrogacy is an adoption arrangement, often supported by a legal agreement, whereby a woman agrees to childbirth on behalf of another person who will become the child's parents after birth.

A woman referred to as the surrogate, bears and gives birth to a child on behalf of another person or couple, referred to as the intended parents, through the reproductive option of surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy are the two primary forms of surrogacy. When using her own egg in a typical surrogacy, the surrogate becomes the child's genetic mother. On the other hand, in gestational surrogacy, an embryo generated from the intended father's sperm and the intended mother's egg, or from donors, is implanted in another female who is from the family.

According to PCPNDT law single mother, married couple can do surrogacy but single man or same sex couples can not. A couple who already has one child is not eligible for surrogacy.

Medical illnesses such as absenteeism, recurrent miscarriages, or other fertility problems that hinder a successful pregnancy may make surrogacy viable.

For intended parents who are considering gestational surrogacy as a means of becoming parents, GOBIND Fertility & IVF Center offers a wide range of services.

Our surrogacy program guides you through every step of the process, including:

- Screening and matching with a gestational surrogate

- Psychological counseling and legal arrangements

- In vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle for embryo creation

- Embryo transfer procedure for the gestational carrier

- Prenatal care and monitoring throughout the surrogate pregnancy


Our tight collaboration with reputable surrogacy services, reproductive lawyers, and insurance companies helps us to manage the intricacies and guarantee a satisfying experience for all concerned.

The Fertility Center upholds very high standards for surrogate screening, which include thorough background checks, medical examinations, and psychiatric exams.

Our skilled OBS/GYNAE and care team keep a close eye on the gestational surrogate and offer thorough prenatal and postoperative care throughout the pregnancy

Best InFertility & IVF Center in Hisar Haryana